Antwort Did Padmé like Palpatine? Weitere Antworten – How did Padme feel about Palpatine

Did Padmé like Palpatine?
Like her husband, Padmé saw Palpatine as a mentor and respected him for not succumbing to the corruption in the Senate.Being a master manipulator, Palpatine knew about Anakin and Padmé's secret relationship from the very beginning. It was he who brought them together as adults, manufacturing an assassination attempt that would force the two to reunite.Though Anakin's affection for Padmé was always sullied by darkness, in the end, it led to one of the truest forms of love that Anakin had ever known and Star Wars has ever seen — that between a father and a son.

Was Padme friends with Palpatine : Like Anakin, she trusted Palpatine implicitly. After all, she's known him all her life. He was a family friend and a personal mentor.

Why did Sidious want Padme dead

Amidala, a leading opponent of the Military Creation Act that proposed the creation of an army for the Galactic Republic, was targeted when she arrived on Coruscant for a vote on the measure as part of Darth Sidious' plot to ensure the passing of the legislation.

Could Palpatine have saved Padme : So overall, it seems highly likely that the answer is no, Palpatine didn't have the power to save Padmé's life. He hadn't even begun learning the power when Anakin became Darth Vader, and the idea of saving lives was of no interest to him.

She had died. This is also supported by the fact that Palpatine. Didn't know that Padme had given birth to the Skywalker twins before she died. He simply told Vader she was dead.

Originally Answered: How did Darth Vader learned that Palpatine lied about Padme's death Vader realized that if Padme survived after Mustafar long enough to give birth, he could not be completely responsible for her death. That info made him mad.

Who did Padme really love


When Padmé and Anakin were captured on Geonosis, believing they were going to die, she confessed her romantic feelings to him. After this, they could not deny their romantic feelings for each other, so they secretly got married on Naboo.No! Padme was the love of his life.Despite this ambition, Pestage was one of Palpatine's closest and most loyal servants, and was said to be one of the few people who truly knew him. He was entirely loyal and dedicated to his master, and Palpatine considered him to be the most trusted of his advisors and a good friend.

Even though Palpatine's kindness towards Anakin was always fake, he still had respect for Anakin's power. But now that Anakin is beaten and scarred, Palpatine has lost all respect for him.

Did Anakin regret killing Padme : Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.

Does Anakin regret killing Padmé : Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.

Why did Sidious want Padmé dead

Amidala, a leading opponent of the Military Creation Act that proposed the creation of an army for the Galactic Republic, was targeted when she arrived on Coruscant for a vote on the measure as part of Darth Sidious' plot to ensure the passing of the legislation.

Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padmé's death on Vader. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padmé was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her.Even though Palpatine's kindness towards Anakin was always fake, he still had respect for Anakin's power. But now that Anakin is beaten and scarred, Palpatine has lost all respect for him.

Did Padme sleep with Anakin : Luke and Leia weren't Clones either, which is the other means of reproducing in SW. They were non-identical twins, they weren't grown in a vat like the Clone Troopers but born as a result of a normal pregnancy. So yeah, Anakin and Padme obviously had sex at least once, but since SW is for kids we don't need to see it.